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CareCredit for Treatment and Care

It’s something you need to do, but the financial obligation has been holding you back. Well, not anymore! We offer CareCredit, a card designed specifically for your healthcare needs. CareCredit can help you move forward with getting the treatment you need right now. With low minimum monthly payment options, no up-front costs and no prepayment penalties, you can schedule your necessary treatment immediately.

Your Healthcare Credit Card

CareCredit is the credit card exclusively for healthcare services. With low monthly payments, you can use your card over and over for co-pays, follow-up appointments, or different procedures. This means you don’t have to put your health on hold until you save up enough money. We give you the power to decide when it’s the right time for you.

With CareCredit, you can:

– Get the treatment or procedure you want, when you want it

– Enjoy monthly payment options

– Pay no up-front costs or pre-payment penalties

For our non – insured patients we offer discounted fees and 5% off for full payment.